Quote of the Day.

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."

-Arthur Ashe (1943-1993); American tennis player, social activist

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My confinement Beanies Hat..

 This is made from cotton yarns which is comfortable to wear and the material doesn't makes your skin feels   itchy.

A simple beanie hat can take half a day to finish but with a toddler running around. I was only able to finish it on midnight the same day.

Monday, June 27, 2011


All I want to crochet right now is a soaker wool pant/cover for the little one, but am still waiting Mr.Delivery Man to deliver the wools. (still no sign of him today)
How am I doing right now??Tired, restless,absentminded and forgetful. My butts are getting sore and my back is aching but still am wondering, where do all the energy comes from when every time I have some new project comes in mind, I would be able to finish it even in pain and feeling tired(must be the obsession which is greater than anything ). House chores? don't mention it, I just spent the last two hours sorting the pail of land of clothes.
Flo also requested me to read some books but owh....I m getting bored on reading nowadays, perhaps later after the delivery?
Yawn!!!!I am getting restless...

"Mr Postman...lalalalala..Mr.Postman.....lalalala"

Monday, June 20, 2011

At last after nearly three weeks..

...I finally manage to complete this baby blanket using the Granny Square method.
"Fuhh...and it felt like taking forever to finish it".

I used the Wool Milk blended type of yarns(it feels so soft to the touch).

In the process to combine/attach the squares. 

Finally, the outcome!!!

Hubby suggested to add  ruffles on the border of the blanket for a homey look, and it did actually looks homey and snugly!!

Till then!!
Owh and I just realized my EDD is less than 3 months to go!!
I am so excited and frightened at the same time!!Yayyyy!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Santa Clauss aka Poslaju Men..hehe

It 's been awhile I hasn't received any fluffy-mail from Poslaju so when a few mails came in yesterday, my heart was thumping with joy.I almost jumped gaily at the doorway when the Mail van came but then hubby also  arrived at the same time so I had to control my nerve otherwise my impulsive act would be the joke of that day.

Two mails came from Flo's office and one came direct to the house.
Two adorable dresses for Ava's advanced birthday present. Sent from Grandma, Grandpa and aunt Sierra.
Thank you and missed you guys a lot!!

...and she can't wait to put it on!
FYI, after having our anniversary dinner yesterday she slept on the way back in the car and never change it until this morning.

More yarns!!
I need more of these colors to make way on my baby blanket project.

A mail which came from the abang Pos Laju.
 Totally  a fan of Itti Bitti diapers, I cannot help to get  two pieces of Itti Bitti Limited Edition print which came all the way from Hanisah(A Malaysian WAHM).
Thank you for helping us on getting these from Australia E-Store.
From left :  Bitti D'Lish in Large Spectra and Bitti D'Lish in Large Danube.

Aren't you excited to get some mails or parcels(obviously not bills or some credit card statements) at your front door ?!!It s like having a Christmas present from Santa Clauss!!(Well,minus the payment..lol!!).

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary!

Trust in God .
3 years ago, Flo and I exchanged vows in front of God and witnesses :
" I,Florencius / Sheena,take you, Sheena / Florencius to be my wife/husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."
"Take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

A renewal wedding vows is must thing to do so that it remind ourself that our marriage is based from God and not others.Even in the mist of challenges or whatever it is which is complicated in our marriage life. Believe in your faith that God is always there to lead both of you in the right direction. 

Jesus said, " From the beginning of creation God made them male and female. This is why a man must leave father and mother, and the two become one body. They are no longer two, therefore, but one body. So then, what God has united, man must not divide".Mark(10:6-9)

A lifetime of love is a lifetime with you,
A lifetime of love with forever in view,
Now Christ , our Lord, bestows on us
All that we've been dreaming of
As He makes use one, He promises
A lifetime of love.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A for......;).

A sweater(cotton milk blend which is seriously soft, it s a mix of cotton and milk wool) for a baby boy and with his initial! My first alphabet so I wouldn't expect anything to be  perfect with the way it came out. 

A baby/toddler poncho which can be adjust.
The body is made from bamboo yarns which is suitable to wear even on the humid weather.As you know bamboo yarns is comfortable and cooling to use especially for babies and  whoever has sensitive skin.

My two weeks projects finally finished.

Since Ava was not willing to cooperate, so I just put the poncho on the teddy, just to see how it looks  and how adjustable does the neck area can be.

The back view.

My back is aching but I cannot stop doing what I love the most!Times up for this weekend to get some rest and do some reading. Happy weekend to everyone!
Oh by the way, Happy Engagement and congratulations to my dear cousin Darryl and with his lovely fiancée Andrea which was held at Tenom, Sabah this morning. Hope all of you who had attended the event are having a great time and please drive safely home.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I want to win TheHoneyBunch Final Giveaway| Naturally Motherhood Giveaway!!

      Hanz is giving a final giveaway for closing her current blog to give way for her another two new impressive blogs. The Honeybunch Natural Parenting Love and HoneyBunch Homeschool!
Most of the prizes are worth to have and they are adorable! The prizes include cloth diaper, colorful cloth wipes, cloth pad, snack cloth bag, pillow book and baby's blanket.Yummy!! all that I need to have for my 2nd Junior!!

For more detail on the Giveaway please click on this link below:
TheHoneyBunch Final Giveaway

"Motherhood to me is a journey towards maturity, passion and unconditional love.I would never expect anything from my children but only their well self independence and their faith towards God."

The sponsors of this final Giveaway are :
Maybel's Closet, Sweet n Cozy, Mama Sewbulous Shoppe, Muhammad's Playtime, Chago Mago, Deana Design, Crystal Princess Cottage, BluCotton and TheHoneyBunch Marketplace.

Ava & Nini

Horse riding with Nini.

 "Ok Nini, it 's time to take our bath!!"

"Now Nini, sshhhhh..it's time to sleep now,"

Ava was putting Nini inside the hammock(which is Ava second bed) and wrap Nini with the blanket, the usual / exact routine I did for Ava every night.

Tucked Nini to bed.

"Good Night Nini, sleep tight,"

"Twinkle twinkle little star...."

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

My Chat Space