Yesterday marked my little princess 10 months of age, correspondingly she did her 1st time walking (i.e. further than her usual 1,2 steps). As she gets better at this skill over the last few months, moving around upright while holding onto furniture and able to let go and stand without support, moved from standing propped up against the couch to tottering hesitantly to my arms and even pick up her toy from a standing position...
Finally, she can walk by herself in the range of 1 to 2 meters away before she let herself sit on the floor to get some rest then continue to stand and walking up again with her two little feet. Of course the walking is still wobbly but for my dear little princess , this is her huge steps towards independence!! and me as her dear mom is very proud and happy for her, and no matter how fast or slow her development will be, I will always feel blessed to have Ava as my daughter.
Aww.. Cakap sama Ava, aunty angel bilang, Go AVA! :)
cool ava!!!!....inda lama lagi ada sudah kawan amber lari2....(paninglah kapala...)
Angel, Chayok chayok for Ava..haha
Mel, iya bah...once dia sudah laju jalan...mimang pening sudah la ni mengejar...
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